Community Mobilization and Empowerment

Through FWC programme, we mobilize and empower people in several structure community groups and local agencies in selected areas. FWC improves community participation process, collaboration, creating local systems and ownership within communities for maintaining their sustainability and effective results.

We believe that every person has rights to equitable opportunities, economic sufficiency and social justice. Therefore, we empower and mobilize communities to reach their full potential.

Building Capacities and Systems

By assessing the specific concerns at national and community level, we educate, train and coach to address root causes among community leaders, related workers and educators through social behavioral change approach. We improve their skills and knowledge for encourage positive social change.

  • Improve the skills of frontline workers at workforce.
  • Capacity building for society partners
  • Strengthen accountability and governance
  • Empower individuals and families and community to engage with service.

Gender and Social Inclusive Setup

In cooperation with focused areas, we set-up gender inclusive initiatives for positive social behavioral change within communities and we mobilize communities to stand up against GBV.

Advocating, Collaboration, and Networking for Supportive Public Policies Change

FWC establishes clear interventions and media guidelines for media usage. We educate on media literacy for children, youths, families and related activators to analysis the messages and images. We also monitor video game, TV shows, movies and social media platforms and we assist to deal with serious social injustice that affect negatively on wellbeing.

Through our interventions, we guide to monitor online activities among children to encourage wellbeing activities like outdoor play, reading and family bonding.

Monitoring Media Behaviours

FWC is a research and information centre to publish information on family related studies. You visit to find books, journals, magazines that specialize in family studies and wellbeing.

Responding to Emergencies

FWC addresses immediate care and to mitigate the impact of wellbeing within children and families. We provide Physic-social services, Health, Nutrition, WASH, Education, Child Protection, disabilities and Public Health Emergencies in difficult situations for vulnerable families.