Supporting for Children


The majority of children are living rural areas. Economic difficulties have had a negative economic and social impact in the many vulnerable children families in Sri Lanka. We identified to address these factors through effective interventions; child protection and participation, child abuse and neglect, exploitation sexual violence, corporal punishment, discrimination, early onset drugs use, Inclusive safe environments, psychological supports, poor access to Education, malnutrition, and WASH.

Family Wellbeing Centre focuses to protect the rights for every child to live learn, play and grow up healthy and safe in Sri Lanka. When making decisions on children, we must hear their views. We all give children the opportunity to meaningful voice their own concerns and participation to improve their wellbeing.

We strengthen the child protection system within supportive family and community environments that protect them with safe and equal access.


Lead to creation of an enabling positive environment for improving the lives of most vulnerable children and their families.

Specific Objectives

  • Advocate child rights policy for child wellbeing perspectives.
  • Strengthen the child protection systems and caring environment within families and community level.

Bring Family Development Through Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Prevention


The use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are specific challenge for families.

Family wellbeing Centre is part of leading the change free from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use through our innovative interventions with scientific evidence in Sri Lanka.

Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is major obstacle for development and improving wellbeing within families. Factors are most associated with domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, poverty, low education, social isolation and mental health problems.


Programme goal is to mobilize people to live freely from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use.

Specific Objectives

  • Initiate interventions for stopping early onset on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use at the community level.
  • Advocate positive policy change for family wellbeing perspectives.
  • Empower civil societies, academics, government bodies and professionals to ensure most effective solutions from alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

Digital Wellbeing and Media Literacy


Majority of people connects with social media use that contributes negatively to stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It leads sleep deprivation and affecting the quality of personal relationships. We help balance screen time to manage their good online habits for overall wellbeing.

As FWC helps and involves to awareness of online privacy and security that protect personal information and avoid online threats such as hate speech, extremist ideologies and cyber bullying. Through digital wellbeing media literacy programme, we improve online community skills to engage in activism through online safety practices for overall wellbeing in the digital age.


To mitigate negative impacts and empower people to make good choices, healthy relationships and responsive citizenship in the digital age.

Specific Objectives

  • Initiate awareness creations on digital wellbeing & impact of digital media use.
  • Improve cyber security against online hate speech, sexual & gender based violence and other harmful promotion.
  • Improve reporting guideline and MoJo journalism for sensitive causes.

Bring Family Development Through Household Socio-economic and Food Security Strengthening


Vulnerable families face the key challenges, such as income instability, lack of access to financial services, limited skills in income activities, gender inequality, cultural and social norms, lack of market access, and lack of saving, health care challenges, food insecurity and malnutrition.

HES programme is to reduce poverty, improve livelihoods and enhance the overall wellbeing of vulnerable communities. We support vulnerable families in generating additional income through skills trainings, entrepreneurship and agriculture initiatives.


Mitigate socio-economic wellbeing vulnerabilities within families through household economic approach.

Specific Objectives

  • Provide financial education and training to help families for facilitating access to financial services
  • Increase household entrepreneurship and agriculture initiatives
  • Set-up market systems process in household economic sectors.
  • Increase engagement of the unemployed in skills employment opportunities
  • Decrease structural barriers in dignified socio-economic roles.